Epidemiology & Technology

Omada Controller 5 on Synology DSM 7.2

I recently updated my Omada container from v4.3 on Synology DSM 7.2 on my 720+ to the latest version. The DSM 7.2 includes container manager which is quite nice. The basic steps undertaken were

  1. Take backup of settings from running Omada container. I had enabled auto-backup in Omada and downloaded the last file as : autobackup_365days_1687069808188.cfg
  2. Open File Station, navigate to docker folder and create a sub-folder called omada2
  3. Stopped the running omada container
  4. Start Container Manager
  5. Create a new project
    • name – omada2
    • Path – browse and select the omada2 folder just created
    • Source- create docker-compose.yml file
    • Paste the following code in the code editor
  6. Start container
  7. Wait
  8. navigate to the page https://NASIP:8043
  9. Connect your Omada Cloud account and restore the settings file

docker-compose.yml for Omada 5.9

version: "3.1"

    container_name: omada-controller
    image: mbentley/omada-controller:5.9
    restart: unless-stopped
        soft: 4096
        hard: 8192
    stop_grace_period: 60s
    network_mode: host
      - "8088:8088"
      - "8043:8043"
      - "8843:8843"
      - "27001:27001/udp"
      - "29810:29810/udp"
      - "29811-29816:29811-29816"
      - PUID=508
      - PGID=508
      - MANAGE_HTTP_PORT=8088
      - MANAGE_HTTPS_PORT=8043
      - PORTAL_HTTP_PORT=8088
      - PORTAL_HTTPS_PORT=8843
      - PORT_APP_DISCOVERY=27001
      - PORT_ADOPT_V1=29812
      - PORT_UPGRADE_V1=29813
      - PORT_MANAGER_V1=29811
      - PORT_MANAGER_V2=29814
      - PORT_DISCOVERY=29810
      - SHOW_SERVER_LOGS=true
      - SHOW_MONGODB_LOGS=false
      - SSL_CERT_NAME=tls.crt
      - SSL_KEY_NAME=tls.key
      - TZ=Etc/UTC
      - omada-data:/opt/tplink/EAPController/data
      - omada-logs:/opt/tplink/EAPController/logs

  omada-logs:Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Notable changes

  1. Instead of mapped folders, we are using the docker volumes
  2. port-mappings are defined in docker-compose
  3. environment variables are defined in docker-compose

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